Adrion Ltd bookstore in Tirana

If you are in Tirana and want a good selection of books in Albania, you should definitely check Adrion Bookstore. Adrion Ltd is situated right in the city center and it has an excellent selection of books on Albania you’re unlikely to find elsewhere, as well as good Tirana and Albania maps and a selection of guidebooks to the region. There’s also a large selection of English-language novels and nonfiction titles, postcards and souvenirs. Adrion Ltd operates in Albania since 1994. In all Adrion bookstores and via the internet it is possible to buy single copies and subscriptions to all major international newspaper and magazines and order books. Adrion ltd stocks Albanian books in several languages other than English. You can also find it at Tirana International Airport.

TAGS: Adrion Ltd bookstore in Tirana, bookstore in Tirana, Tirana bookstores, Buy Albanian books in English, English books from Albania, libraries in Tirana, bookstores postcards Tirana


Reference from: Visit Tirana
