
Tujani Canyon tour in Tirana

This amazing canyon is located in the vicinity of Tirana, right on the gorge between Tujan and Brrari mountain. The river that has formed this canyon for thousands of years, is called the “River of Tirana” (or known as the river Brrari, which is also located near the village of Brrar)

Its waters originate from Mountain with Holes (Mali me Gropa) and flows to the Erzen River. The canyon has a length of 1.2 km and during its path it forms cavities, small cataracts, holes etc., creating an interesting terrain for those who prefer exploring it.

The canyon is located along the “Old Arber Street” segment, and can be seen on the right when you take the road from Tirana. Those who prefer mountain walking should take the “Arber’s old road” (Rruga e Vjetër e Arbrit) which is offering an amazing experience. There is no signage of this road, but with the help of local guides it can be easily found. The road to Tujani from Tirana passes to Shishtufinë and continues to the village of Brrar. The most part of the road is asphalted.

TAGS: Tours to Tirana, Tirana daytrips, Tujani Canyon Tour in Tirana, Tirana excursions, in Tirana, Tujani Mountain in Tirana, villages in Tirana, Tirana Outside, Tirana Canyons, Explore Tirana


Reference from: Visit Tirana
