Insurance Companies

Insurance market is fairly new to Albania. It came up during the transition years and was  developed within the democratic system. Nowadays, Albanians are ensuring their lives and their wealth and travel. There are a few providers if you need any help with insurance during your stay in Tirana, Albania.


Sigal Co, was established on 22 February 1999, after liberalization of the insurance market in Albania. Sigal UNIQA Group Austria is the biggest insurance company in Albania under the structure of which operate their 8 successful insurance companies: Sigal UNIQA (Albania, Non-Life), Sigal Life UNIQA (Albania, Life), Sigal UNIQA Kosova (Kosovo, non-life), Sigal UNIQA life Kosova (Kosovo life), UNIQA ad Skopje (Macedonia, Non-life), UNIQA life a.d (Macedonia, life), Sigal Reinsurance and Private Pension Fund. Sigal UNIQA network has over 1,100 employees and agents who provide quality and timely service to over 500,000 customers in Albania, Kosovo and Macedonia.
TAGS: Sigal in Tirana, Insurance Companies in Tirana, Sigal in Tirana Albania, things to do in Tirana


Reference from: Visit Tirana
