Prime Minister Edi Rama has shared exciting news regarding the influx of foreign visitors to Albania in 2024, with a remarkable total of 11.7 million—an impressive increase of 15.2% compared
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Hiking Trails in Himara Region Southern Coastal Trail Inventory Hiking Trails
Mountain Biking Trails – Himara Region Southern Coastal Trail Inventory Hiking Trails
Aktivitetet e Ministrise se Kultures 2022
Aktivitetet e Ministrise se Kultures 2022
Tujani Canyon tour in Tirana
This amazing canyon is located in the vicinity of Tirana, right on the gorge between Tujan and Brrari mountain. The river that has formed this canyon for thousands of years,
Until 1990, Albania was one of the world's most isolated and controlled countries, and installation and maintenance of a modern system of international and domestic telecommunications was precluded. Callers previously
Insurance Companies
Insurance market is fairly new to Albania. It came up during the transition years and was developed within the democratic system. Nowadays, Albanians are ensuring their lives and their wealth
Banks and Money
The local currency in Tirana, Albania is Albanian LEK (ALL). While the most used foreign currency is Euro and US Dollar. There are several banks operating in Albania and many
Feel Albania. Albanian Day in Sofia.
Agjencia Kombëtare e Turizmit në bashkëpunim me Ministrinë për Evropën dhe Punët e Jashtme merr pjesë në Forumin me tour operatorë bullgarë dhe shqiptarë në ambasadën shqiptare në Sofie për
“Sustainable Tourism in Albania, – vision and challenges”
Konferencë në Londër Data e konferencës: 4 Nëntor 2019, Ora :15:00 - 16:40 Vendi: WTM 2019 - Galeria e Veriut - Salla 8; Titulli i konferencës: "Turizëm i Qëndrueshëm në